The Bible is thousands and thousands of years old, its hard not to wonder about the accuracy of…
Joy to the world
Hillsong Worship
We are collecting Back Packs and School Supplies for our friends in the Pine Manor Community thru Sunday, July 29th. Most area stores have the School Supply Lists in the “Back to School” area, or you can download one here:  SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST
Ladies!!!! Join us for this special night out focusing on Spiritual and Physical Wellness at REFUGE! We will be making an Essential Oil Blend to take home and one to donate to the ladies of Into the Jordan Ministries. This is a Teen Friendly event too!  If you require childcare you will need to be sure indicate you are “GOING” in the event on the Facebook Page  ( Ladies Night Out Event-Facebook ) and comment “ChildCare.”
Please remember to pray for our Mission Team while they are in NYC this week! They return on the 22nd.