The Bible is thousands and thousands of years old, its hard not to wonder about the accuracy of…
Joy to the world
Hillsong Worship
This Saturday (August 1st; 5:30pm) Refuge.Church will begin officially regathering onsite at our location on Brantley Road in Fort Myers. The one-hour service will include worship and teaching and will continue to be streamed on our Facebook Page.
We are taking the following precautions at this time for the onsite gathering.
Covid-19 appears to be with us for the foreseeable future. During this time, Refuge is seeking to provide options for those who would like to attend in person and for those who would like to continue to attend from the safety of their home.
We do believe, ultimately the gathering of the church should be in person, as it has been for 2000 years. We also believe that our first priority as a church is to love our neighbors, and one of the ways we can do that in 2020 is to continue to play our part in controlling the spread of Covid-19.
Refuge will follow all health and safety recommendations for our governing health authorities, and continue to be subject to the governing authorities.
In Grace, Pastor Brian