The Bible is thousands and thousands of years old, its hard not to wonder about the accuracy of…
Joy to the world
Hillsong Worship
This week Pastor David tackles the theme of courage and boldness. In Acts 4:23-31 we read of profound courage within the early church. This is an encouragement we need today more than ever! Peter and John are once again center stage. After being threated by religious leaders, the don’t cower or run. Instead, they pray for boldness to continue to ACT like Jesus and preach the Good News of Jesus.
This story from Acts reminds us that the early church did not complicate their faith with rituals. Instead, the trusted the simple ACT of prayer. They weren’t strategizing growth plans. And they weren’t forming committees. Rather, the simply prayed together, seeking strength and boldness from God. Because they knew they could not ACT like Jesus without His courage. So, we should be challenged by this early church approach. And consider out practices and priorities as Upstart Apostles.
In his sermon pastor David highlights the difference between apostles and disciples. While disciples are followers and imitators of Christ. In contrast, apostles are sent out on mission. This is the transformative work of the Holy Spirit in ACTion! There is a transition from disciple to apostle. The Holy Spirit equips believers to spread the gospel with fearless confidence.
There are two key actions of the apostles Pastor David emphasizes in his message. One, their total dependence on God through prayer as they ask for boldness. Two, their boldness wasn’t about loud declarations or confrontations. Instead, their boldness was rooted in the characteristics of Jesus – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
True boldness, as exemplified by the early church, involves reaching out to the marginalized. Helping those in need. Demonstrating Christ-like love and empathy. At Refuge, we aim to be a safe place for all people. A place where the humanity of all people is respected. A place where all people can be unapologetically themselves. Instead of screaming judgements, Refuge is a place where we seek to embody the fruits of the spirit in our interACTions with all people!