
Joy to the world

Hillsong Worship


Refuge is externally focused as a church in Fort Myers with a local emphasis towards:

  • Orphans (adoption, fostering, mentoring)
  • Widows (including single moms, women who have been hurt and/or abused)
  • Marginalized (addiction, mental health diseases, etc)

We currently support the following organizations with volunteers and financial resources.

Compassionate Friends

When a child dies, at any age, the family suffers intense pain and may feel hopeless and isolated. The Compassionate Friends provides highly personal comfort, hope, and support to every family experiencing the death of a son or a daughter, a brother or a sister, or a grandchild, and helps others better assist the grieving family. The vision statement of The Compassionate Friends is that everyone who needs us will find us and everyone who finds us will be helped.

To learn more about Compassionate Friends visit their website.  Our local SWFL chapter meets the 1st Monday of each month at 6:30pm in the Refuge Cafe. Contact Vilma at  (239) 565-7387 or Lorraine (239) 851-4924 for additional information.

Pine Manor Community

We are working alongside the Pine Manor Improvement Association in the Pine Manor Community. Pine Manor is one of five neighborhoods designated by the Lee County Board of Commissioners as “blighted” and in need of direct social service delivery. The mission of the Pine Manor Improvement Association is: Equip, educate and empower the families, individuals and children of Pine Manor for a better quality of life.

Our goal is to come alongside this community and provide service projects, special community events and  financial assistance to it’s residents.  To learn more about the Pine Manor Improvement Association visit their website.

Adoption Fund

The Refuge Adoption Fund was founded with an initial contribution of $10,000.  For this fund, we will be working out the “vetting” process for fund distribution soon, but it’s purpose is to support Refuge members, who have a desire to adopt a child (US or International).

Counseling Clinic

Unfortunately individuals with mental health needs are often stigmatized, especially within the church community, and made to feel that they aren’t strong enough to cope with life’s challenges.  At various times in an individual’s life, counsel is needed.  Often times counsel can be provided through the comfort of a listening friend or a spiritual mentor within the church family.  However, there are times when the needs prove to be so challenging that a individual could benefit from treatment by a mental health professional.  Refuge.Church desires to provide a resource to those who want to seek the help of a therapist as a means to improve his or her mental health.  Visit our counseling page for more info.

Naples Pride

Naples Pride started as a Pride with Purpose Pride Festival, to raise funds for an LGBTQ+ Emergency Fund and to have a day to celebrate achievements; to make ourselves visible; a day where we can express all that we are, proudly, without fear and to honor those that fought for LGBTQ+ rights before us.

They now also maintain The Pride Center – a safe, supportive space for the inclusive LGBTQ+ community to gather, unite and create change. A center where through support and social groups, people can empower one another, so they live to their full potential, all while educating our larger community.

To learn more, visit their website.

ready for the next step?

Join the Dance

We are a church mobilizing to change the world. We’re all ministers, called to love and serve those both within and outside our church family. There is a daily miracle of grace happening in our lives, how will we respond? #jointhedance

Fill the Form

    Is there is a ministry you are passionate about, and would like to start? The Refuge family wants to support you (financially, space, people, etc). Please give your vision or dream below. Or if you have ideas/suggestions this would be the place.



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