The Bible is thousands and thousands of years old, its hard not to wonder about the accuracy of…
Joy to the world
Hillsong Worship
This we Pastor David wrapped up our Upstart Apostles Series! David looks at the transformation of one of the most pivotal upstart apostles of the early church; SAUL! Saul’s story stands as a reminder that no one is beyond the reach of God’s love!
If we thought long enough and hard enough, we all could probably come up with someone we think may never come to know Jesus. We might believe their hearts are too hard, they’re too far gone, or they’re too deep into the dark side.. People like Darth Vader, Severus Snape, Thanos, Loki… even the Grinch. Saul, like the rest of these characters, was seen as a villain; the biggest antagonist to the upstart of the church. In fact, his sole purpose was to arrest followers of “The Way.”
So, on his way to Damascus, Saul encounters a blinding light and hears Jesus’ asking: “Saul, Saul, why are you out to get me?” This dramatic moment is a turning point. Saul, struck blind, is led into the city, where he waits further instructions. This displays how Jesus will find us in the most unexpected ways.
We then meet Ananias, an apostle living in Damascus. God instructs Ananias to go visit Saul and heal him. Obviously, Ananias protests and hesitates. He knows Saul’s reputation and wants nothing to do with him. However, he obeys Gods command, calling Saul “brother” and healing him. This act of obedience is a crucial step in Saul’s transformation.
Saul’s sight is restored, and he is baptized. This transformation marks the beginning of his mission to spread the Gospel. Pastor David emphasizes that everyone’s encounter with Jesus is unique. While Saul’s experience is extraordinary. Saul’s experience was extraordinary; nevertheless, our everyday interactions and acts of love can also lead people to Jesus.
Saul’s transformation signifies a shift in the early church. The mission of the upstart was now extending beyond Jewish law, welcoming ALL PEOPLE into God’s family. This inclusivity is a cornerstone of our faith. Refuge strives to embody this by being a safe place where all people are welcome. Transformation is not a one-time-event. Rather, an ongoing journey. Our community and interactions with others help us grow in our faith. Just as Ananias’s act of love changed Saul. So can our love change lives!