
Joy to the world

Hillsong Worship

The vision of Refuge.Church is to be a place for those who do not currently have a church home.  We’ve found that many who are not in a habit of attending a weekly church gathering, find it difficult to create that new habit.

Our Saturday night church gatherings in Fort Myers work well for those who have busy schedules, those who work on Sundays, and/or those who want a true Sunday Sabbath (rest).

Having Saturday night church services leaves Sunday as a day with no programming.  This helps us avoid the danger that Refuge become defined simply by activity.  If we are just defined by our activity then we can end up with lots of burnt out, emotionally, spiritually and physically exhausted people. Not really what Jesus had in mind when he said that his yoke was easy and his burden was light.

For my family Saturdays are busy.  The day usually starts with soccer for three kids and ends with trying to grab dinner out because we’ve ran out of food in the house.  A Saturday night church re-charge is often just what I need to make it through the weekend, and make my burden a little lighter.

Activity in our culture no longer stops on Sundays.  Yet the majority of churches continue to hold Sunday morning services.  We’ve made the purposeful decision to focus all of our corporate gathering energy towards Saturday evening church services to provide an alternative to Sundays.

Refuge gathers every Saturday Night in Fort Myers at 5:30pm-6:30pm.  We hope you can join us this week.

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Cutitle-imagerent Series

February 3, 2025

QTNA // The B.I.B.L.E

The Bible is thousands and thousands of years old, its hard not to wonder about the accuracy of…

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February 3, 2025

QTNA // Is God Listening?

What is Prayer For? Why do we keep praying? What is it eve for? Is God listening? Prayer…

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January 17, 2025

QTNA // Good People. Bad Things

Why do bad things happen to good people? It's a question we've all wrestled with. When life feels…

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January 6, 2025

QTNA // Ask, Seek, Knock

New Year, New Series! Here at Refuge, we're jumping into 2025 with the thought-provoking series QTNA // Question…

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